Gain time – react more flexibly!

The Natursteinbetriebe Wigastone in Steinwenden, Rhineland-Palatinate, is a prime example of the successful use of MES powered by granIT in medium-sized companies. Managing director, founder and “doer” Armin Wigand reports in an interview about the successful development of his company and the key role granIT software plays in it.

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MES from granIT have long been fully integrated and accepted in WeberHaus’ prefabricated house production. A conversation about new territory, step-by-step, table utilization, robots and trolleys.

At WeberHaus in Rheinau, Baden, the granIT Manufacturing Execution System (MES) has also been ensuring efficient processes in prefabricated house production since the beginning of 2021. We talked to Alfons Obrecht (Assistant Production/Technical Management) and Jörg Marin (Assistant Technical Management) about their experiences with the granIT flow solution. Just so much up front: satisfaction factor = high!

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Vocational training that highlights personal strengths

The (former) trainee Steffen Plievier was taken on as a permanent employee in the granIT team.

To be quite honest: The fact that we train at granIT also has to do with a certain self-interest. After all, the IT industry needs competent, creative and future-oriented specialists – not least for rapidly growing and highly specialized markets such as prefabricated house construction or, for example, sleeper production for rail transport. Just to name the key areas of the granIT clientele.

Accordingly, we are doubly pleased about the passed examination of our apprentice Steffen Plievier and his subsequent acceptance into the granIT ranks as a permanent employee.

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MES: Avoid the 5 most common mistakes

Five wrong steps you should avoid

The introduction of a MES does not only bring high expectations for the software developers. MES user management is also challenged. Keywords: Clear transparency, long-term financing and user involvement and integration.

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Five questions – one answer: MES

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) also makes sense for manufacturing companies with rather short production processes. Just ask the questions – we will provide the answers!
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are booming. And not only in large, fully automated production lines with dozens of robots, but also in smaller production plants.

More and more future-oriented, manufacturing companies are “getting a taste” for MES – not only in the context of the requirements of Industry 4.0: Regardless of the size of their fully or partially automated production plants, the output should become more efficient, of higher quality and more economical.

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MES: granIT for granite!

Finally – granIT (graphical numerical information technology) works with the natural stone granite! How MES can increase production efficiency even on compact production lines. An example from natural stone processing.

Innovative companies are often characterized by a certain curiosity. In other words: Those who know from experience that there is more over the horizon can focus on more potential and increased performance.
This is also the case with granIT. On the one hand, we are well occupied with our key activities “Development of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for production lines in prefabricated house construction”. On the other hand, more and more companies from related industries are approaching us for clever MES solutions for their compact production processes.

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MES offers more

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) powered by granIT are perfect for many things: reducing costs, reducing rejects, ensuring delivery dates and more…

As a central, basically organizing and synchronizing element in a decentralized system, MES is of elementary importance. Digitalization and expansion of complex, automated and (partly) robotically executed processes – MES powered by granIT act as a hub for the collected flood of data of a production process.

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25 years of experience: granIT.

Creative planning, transparent production – for a quarter of a century we have been creating customized software solutions to improve automated production processes.

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The plus in every production

The Manufacturing Execution System MES – from the practical level for the practical level! Where, when and why are Manufacturing Execution Systems used in a production process? And how can MES achieve highly responsive, economical and transparent processes in a production chain? Our new video provides clear answers!

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Creditworthiness? Excellent!


Creditreform awards granIT GmbH the CrefoZert Solvency Certificate.
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